Four Feathers Press logo by Jack Bowman. Four Feathers Press, saving the environment one book at a time. Four Feathers Press publishes online and PDF anthologies every month of the year. Print only by request.

Saturday, September 24, 2022


These poets are being published in Memories of Southern California:

01) Robert Fleming
02) Lawrence Berger
03) Mary Mayer Shapiro
04) Jackie Chou
05) Maureen Hurley
06) Petrouchka Alexieva
07) Luis Cuauhtemoc Berrioazabal
08) Ann Privateer
09) Jim Babwe
10) Dig Wayne
11) Bill Cushing
12) Tim Tipton
13) Shih-Fang Wang
14) Patty Scott
15) Kathee Hennigan Bautista
16) Lori Wall-Holloway
17) Mark A Fisher
18) Jeffry Michael Jensen
19) Gia Civerolo
20) Joseph Nicks
21) Patrick Walters
22) Marvinlouis Dorsey
23) Don Kingfisher Campbell

Order your PDF copy of Memories of Southern California: Poetic Recollections for just $5 in time for today's publication reading at 3pm on Saturday Afternoon Poetry's Zoom channel. Here is the invite link:

You can also, if you wish, order perfect bound printed copies of this Memories of Southern California: Poetic Recollections book for $15 (includes shipping). Payment methods are listed below at the end of the next paragraph.


Submit up to three poems of no more than 150 lines each (including stanza breaks) on the subject of sports or hobbies in Southern California to by 11:59pm PDT, October 21st, 2022. JPG photos may also be sent, but are not required. Poems chosen will be anthologized in PDF form and distributed for free to those poets by the publication reading on Saturday, October 22nd, 3 to 5 pm in the patio behind Rosebud Coffee on 2302 E. Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena. Perfect bound printed copies of the book will also be available for $15 a copy (includes shipping) until November 14th, 2022. Please use Meta Pay (Don Kingfisher Campbell), Venmo (@don-campbell-82), or Zelle (my email address) to pay. Or snail mail a check to Don Campbell, 1313 Edgewood Dr, Alhambra, CA 91803-1909 to pay.


Don the Editor

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42 poets are now published on

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